Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Furama Riverfront Hotel

The Furama Riverfront was the hotel that we finally decided on from the list of hotels that the Singapore Stopover Holiday had available for the dates that we wanted.  It was a step up from the cheapest hotel they had, but I do believe that in terms of the room and what we got, the price was worth it.

Check in was fairly quick and they had upgraded us to a room with a sitting area for free.  What was disappointing to find out during check-in, however, was the fact that we would need to pay about S$25/per day (about $20USD) to get 24 hours of wi-fi.  After getting free wi-fi from the small bed and breakfasts that we stayed in in Japan, this was a bit of a downer.

Unfortunately, I think James and I forgot to take the pictures of the actual bedroom.  I can't seem to find it.  But honestly, it seemed like a normal hotel bedroom in a slightly upscale hotel.  Like our three previous hotels/B&Bs in Japan, they provided shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste--the usual amenities it seems.

We do have pictures of the interior lobby, though.

And here are some views of the exterior.

What did cause James and I a bit of a shock were the prices of the food in the hotel.  On our first day in Singapore, we had decided to wait in the lobby and order some tea and soda while we did it.

Here is a picture of James after we got our bill for the Coke and the English tea we had ordered.

Our S$25 (20USD) drinks....

After these drinks, we seriously wondered whether we needed to have withdrawn more money for Singapore!

Luckily, Dewi disabused us of that notion and told us that it was only the hotel lobby that was overpriced.  Seriously, we ordered the same thing for room service and it was half the cost!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Goodbye, Japan! Hello, Singapore

So, before going to Japan, my cousin, Pauline, showed me a website that was super helpful in planning out our use of the public transportation in Tokyo.  The website (and app) is called Hyperdia and I highly recommend it.  Well, I recommend it for most things...except for one of their suggestions on how to get back to the airport.

First let me just say that I'm glad we decided to play it safe and leave Asakusa about four hours before our flight.

Okay...on with our story.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Asakusa--the Old and New Tokyo Rolled into One

Why is it that places of worship often have a huge shopping street leading towards it?  It's not just Nakamise St. on the way to Senso-ji (Asakusa Kannon Temple).  Even going as far back as biblical times, there are always vendors by temples and churches.  I'm sure there is a study somewhere as to why.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kamogawa Ryokan

I was tired and my feet were killing me.  Once James and I arrived at the Asakusa station and oriented ourselves enough to be able to make the four minute walk to our reserved ryokan, the site of its sign was enough to fill me with joy.  Finally, I can put my feet up and rest.  Finally, I can internets.  You have no idea how much I was jonesing for some wifi access during the Hakone trip.  All I can say is, thank god I was too tired to feel the withdrawal.

Kamogawa ryokan seemed like small family ryokan.  Next to it is its very own café.  James and I actually saw the café before the ryokan and we thankfully made our way in and was greeted at the front desk by a young man who checked us in pretty quickly. 

The elevator going up to our room as well as the hallway from the elevator going into our room was...tiny.  The space was tiny.  Here's a pic of James in the hallway.  Sadly, I think we forgot to take one of the elevator.  Hrm...maybe I just think the space is small since James and I had gained some weight since the wedding....hrm...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hakone--On Our Own!

On our own in a Japanese city for the first time.  No college buddies, no tour guides, and no known person who can  translate for us what we need said.  The only phrase I remember?  Sumimasen! Eigo wo hanase masu ka?  Yes, sad to say but several hours of the Japanese Rosetta stone ain’t gonna cut it.  So, what better way to show the natives that you at least tried than by to say “So sorry, but you do speak in English” in their native tongue?  There are words that I remember in Japanese, but it helps me so much if they can speak a little English.  And it makes the conversation go faster, because believe you me, they know more English than I do Japanese.

So, Hakone.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yunohana Onsen

The Yunohana Onsen was our “splurge” for the Japan trip.  It is known for its open air  baths  and recommended by one of my Japanese friends as a good hotel to stay in.  Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of pictures of the exterior of the hotel as I’d forgotten to take them on our arrival or our departure.  I also do not have any pictures of the baths since I thought they may frown upon my taking pictures of their naked guests.

Anyway, on with the review. 

We were picked up by a very friendly shuttle driver from the bus stop, where we were dropped off by our tour guide.  It wasn’t a private transportation, as we had also picked up several young ladies from another stop who also seem to be checking into the hotel.  At the reception desk at the hotel, a nice young woman explained to us our room and dinner/breakfast arrangements.  I’m glad James was there as I got a bit confused with her explanation :(    Maybe I was just tired.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Racing Against the Clouds!--Mt. Fuji/Hakone through Sunrise Tour Experience

Okay...you may think this is odd, but I'd like to begin this blog with our with how our day began.  Because we had to be at the Hamamasutcho bus station at nine AM and I was trying to play it safe, we skipped breakfast at the Sawaynoya ryokan and headed out to the metro by 7:30 AM.  You might be thinking that for me, this is real early--especially given the fact that I'm on vacation!

Well, you would be correct, except these days in Japan, I had been waking up by five AM and have been unable to go back to sleep.  So, go figure.